Creating A Great English Literature Dissertation From Scratch

A dissertation written from the scratch is the best. It is a bit overwhelming knowing that you will start your thesis right from the beginning. But nonetheless, by the end of it all, you will have an amazing thesis to present. Below are a few guiding tips on where and how to start your thesis:

  • Topic selection: Once you get a go-ahead, search for a topic. There are so many English literature topics to choose from. Therefore, do not make the mistake of choosing a topic that is common. To be sincere, this kind of topic will not be accepted. Think outside the box and find what is currently trending.

  • Write down all ideas you may have: Do not hesitate to write any idea no matter how silly it may seem. Don’t allow your friends to put you down. Afterwards, plan an early study that will help you clarify your area of study. As you organize your ideas, it is best to structure them as sub headings. This makes it easier to read and comprehend the entire context.

  • Begin writing what you are comfortable with: Start with the part that you find easy, then once your done have enough time to cover sections that might need a bit more of attention. Your points should be clear and free from any ambiguity. Caution: before becoming too involved with your writing, study other successful thesis papers, done by other people.

  • Consult your tutor or lecturer: Your lecturer, tutor is willing to help. Make frequent visits whenever you feel stuck at any position. Since he or she is an expert, do not be afraid to consult on what needs to be done or how it's meant to be done. Moreover, you can have a committee that will advise and give you support, because you definitely need it.

  • Have your own style: During your study you will come across so many articles and reviews written by other people. Find out which styles they have used and try and analyze what will work best for you. Also, gather as many words as possible that you can use in your work. Always use your own words even though the idea is from another person.

  • Do not panic: Carefully plan and organize your time. With this, you will be able to meet the set deadline. With time, you will have thoughts and points for your thesis.

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