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5 Hints From Expert: How To Finish Your Dissertation Successfully

After all of those years of college and graduate class, the finish line looms close as you begin to finish your dissertation. This exhaustive paper is one of the most stressful undertakings that any student can undertake. When the deadline comes closer, students have so much to worry about that they often do not know where to start. Fortunately, since so many students have completed these large projects before you have, there are plenty of experts with useful recommendations. Here are five expert hints that will help you organize those final days of your dissertation project:

  • Know the requirements:
  • Before you submit your paper, take a close reading of your university’s requirements. Check out formatting, spacing, page requirements, and everything else your school requires. You do not want to have to add 100 pages or remove 100 pages of text when you have three weeks left. You also do not want to lose any points because you did not format the title page or the appendix appropriately. You can easily accomplish this task by breaking down the requirements into your own checklist and cross off everything that you are certain you have completed.

  • Write the conclusion and introduction at the end:
  • It is challenging to introduce a paper when you are not sure exactly what you are introducing. Many successful students have written their introductions after they have completed their papers. Since the conclusion should reflect the ideas presented in the introduction, it is wise to craft them simultaneously. When you have the two pieces side-by-side, you can be sure to meet the requirements for each section.

  • Arrange for a meeting prior to submission:
  • You might think there is nothing left that your advisor can do to help you, but this is not the case. One of the wisest things that any student can do is take time to meet with her advisor before the final submission is due. When you schedule your appointment, make sure that you have time to make revisions. Bring your requirements checklist and any unanswered questions that you have. The more organized you are, the more you will be able to get out of the meeting. When you are in this meeting, be sure to record what was said so you can show the committee if something did not go as planned with the final paper.

  • Get a professional editor:
  • This paper is vital to your future success, so it is perfectly acceptable to hire a professional editor who has experience working with dissertations. Editors like this can be found online and in your school, especially in the writing departments. Professional dissertation editors who are not related to you will give you honest feedback and make corrections that you might not have seen. Like the last meeting with your adviser, be sure that you give yourself time to make corrective edits so you do not have to scramble at the last minute.

  • Do not worry about perfection:
  • Yes, having a flawless 300-page paper would be ideal, but this is not an ideal world. Without a team of editors, no one is capable of having that many words written perfectly. You should check for errors and fix as many as you can find, but your paper is more about the content and ideas rather than the typos. Since you have spent so much time on this paper, you might overlook many of the flaws and you might even hate the paper, but it is better to finish it on time than to hold back because of your worry about small mistakes. Looking for help with thesis or dissertation? Get it done with Thesis Helpers - expert thesis writing service.
