How To Compose A Brilliant Economics Dissertation Proposal

This short instructional guide is also a motivation for you to produce your best academic work yet. Take note of what the article proposes for you. Firstly, it is inviting you to take your creative process of composition a step further and to a higher level of academic excellence.

  • Motivation
  • Secondly, this guide assumes that you are majoring in economics at the college level. But if not, and even if you are a high school student, take this good advice and read further. Your first motivational talking point is that you are striving for brilliance. This can mean a number of things, but mainly it encourages you to strive for nothing less than an A grading for your final (marked) paper.

    Economics professors are notoriously detail-oriented and sticklers for coherent arguments and/or proposals which are well-informed by accurate data and theories already approved of whether via peer review mechanisms or based on the written texts of the world’s most foremost economists, past and present.

  • Detail
  • But your purpose (and later work) here is that you will be proposing something new for your professor or teacher to consider. This is also the practical function of creating a dissertation. Note that because this is merely a proposal (the real work must still be done later once the suggestions you have made are approved) does not mean that all work that you are doing at this stage – from reading and research to writing the proposal – will be abbreviated.

    The work that you are doing here remains detail-oriented. It must also be presented as persuasively as possible. After all, your primary motivation is to convince your reader to buy into your original idea.

  • Sales pitch
  • As a functional review document – short but nothing less than detailed – you could view this as your sales document. Think about at least five different strategies that could convince your target market to buy into your product launch. But always think in academic terms and carefully craft your persuasive proposal conforming to the academic conventions that you are required to follow at all times.

How brilliant your economics dissertation proposal will be in the end is informed by how far you are prepared to go in following the standards set by your faculty. Original in its composition and thought, you should already be thinking of new, innovative ways to allow your dissertation proposal to exceed these expectations. But if working on your dissertation is becoming too overwhelming, consider getting help from thesis geek, a reliable writing assistance service.

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